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Our five-step experiential learning approach is enquiry based and constructive with hands on activities:

We Aim: To identify learning areas and clarify the outcome of every concept which will excite students about the learning outcome.
We Act: Different activities will be done by students to understand learning concepts and relate it to the real life. These activities would be based on different learning methodologies. These methods will help the students to understand the concept in different enjoyable ways like role play, story based learning, mind mapping and also to explore different potentials or intellects hidden in the children.
We Analyze: In this process, students break a complex topic into smaller parts through group discussions, pair work, and individual feedback in order to gain a better understanding of the concept.
We Apply: Students apply the gained knowledge and relate it to real world situations. They improve understanding and develop different skills by practicing and solving problems.
We Assess: We review their conceptual understanding, applied thinking and improved performances by the means of various tools, like projects and presentations, written reflections, group discussions, individual conduct and team behavior.